


Every machine is Custom built

and can be produced from thought to

floor in just 2 to 4 weeks depending on



built with operator in mind

All of our Vacuum tables are all built with

3axis movement Up and down by manual

jack screw, forward and back by way of

electric actuator, and side  side by either

electric actuator or manual turn knob.



At Tec Polymer we belive in the

little thing make a quality

machine such as , Electric movement ,

thicker Ga. stainless steel, extra filters

and strainers, over sized

heat exchangers,  ons many more

options made standard.

we use only Liquid ring vacuum

pumps from companies such as

Sihi, Travini, Dakkar, and Tuthill.

Becouse we build each unit custom you

can pick make,r model, and horse power.


vacuum pumps


239 597 2000

ask for Marcel Vezina